Online Bookshop and Computer services:

bookshop premise

About us

We oparates from 8:am to 5:pm Monday to Friday
And Saturday from 8:am to 1:pm

The bookshop is open to all and we are ready to serve you to our best

Bookshop sells all types of textbooks and excercise books of high quality at affordable prices.
We have the followiong:

New CBC textbooks both for pre-primary and primary school.

All Secondary and primary schools revision books

Setbooks, guides and novels

Scientific calculators and mathematica sets.

Bibles, golden bells, dictinaries and kamusi

Atlas, Magazines and news papers

Pens,Pencils and Excercise books of different pages


Our Services

computer class desktop
Service Cost
Printing ksh 5 per page
Photocopying Ksh 3 per page
Lamination and binding Ksh 50 per page
Cyber services Ksh 75 cents per minute
Basic computer packages training Ksh 3000
Passport Ksh 100

Our contacts

The Bookshop and computer services is located Nyeri county TRM building 2nd floor.

Postal address:P.O Box 121-10103 Nyeri


Phone Number:0727 867 684